an experiment in redaction
(as little as I can handle leaving out)
A video made in April 2023 exploring my relationship with my mother, shortly after she requested that I don't use any images of her in my artwork.

The project started as an installation which consisted of videos of me from my childhood projecting onto one semi-transparent mesh screen, videos of my mother from my childhood projecting onto another semi-transparent mesh screen, with the idea that the videos would meet in the middle (a third screen was suspended between these two, which acted almost as a buffer).

It felt like this installation (due to its size, complexity and emotional weight) would be difficult to set up again, so I created a self-contained video of the various elements to give myself some closure on the topic. The audio you hear of me talking in this video played on one side of the room, whilst an audio track of my mother's voice talking about her experience of parenting played on the other side.
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